Liberty Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram

Jan 19, 2024
A photo of a car battery being repaired and the text: Does Your CDJR Vehicle Need a New Car Battery?

Your car’s battery is a critical part, providing the power to start your engine and power electrical systems in your vehicle. Recognizing the warning signs that you need a new car battery from the RAM dealer can save you from the stress of a car that won’t start.

Warning Lights

Most CDJR vehicles have a battery warning light on the dashboard. If this light comes on, it’s a signal that the battery isn’t charging properly and needs immediate attention.

Slow Engine Crank

Does this sound familiar? When you try to start your car, the engine cranks slowly, laboriously, or not at all. This sluggishness is often the first and most common sign of battery trouble. It means your battery is struggling to provide enough power to start the engine.

Difficulty Starting in the Cold

Maybe your car starts just fine unless the weather is extra cold. Extreme cold temperatures can take a toll on your battery’s performance. If your car struggles to start in freezing temperatures, it’s time to consider a battery replacement.

Clicking When You Turn the Key

If you hear a rapid clicking sound when you try to start your car instead of the engine roaring to life, your battery may not have the power your car needs.

An Old Battery

Car batteries are only expected to last about three to five years. If your car battery is in that age range, you should have it tested to see whether it needs to be replaced. Even if there are no other warning signs, an old battery is a red flag that you can expect trouble soon.

Electrical Component Issues

If you notice problems like dimming headlights, flickering cabin lights, or sluggish windows, it could indicate your battery is getting too weak to power the systems correctly.

Corrosion on the Terminals

Pop the hood and take a look at the battery. If you see a white, ashy substance on its metal parts, that means corrosion is present. Corroded battery terminals can prevent good electrical conduction, leading to poor battery performance. Carefully cleaning corrosion off of the terminals can temporarily improve matters, but corrosion is usually a sign of an aging, failing battery.

Swollen Battery Case

If your battery’s case looks swollen or bloated, that’s bad news. It has suffered internal damage and can pose a serious safety hazard. Swollen car batteries need to be replaced immediately.

Get a New Car Battery at Your Local RAM Dealer

If you recognize any of these signs, don’t worry. A quick trip to the dealership can have you and your car back on the road with a brand-new battery in no time.

Regular maintenance can help extend the life of your car battery. Call Liberty Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM in Montpelier, ID, to schedule an inspection for your battery.

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